Beaded bags and purses have been around for many years. Beaded handbags are one of the most popular type of handbags for formal parties and weddings. Infact beaded purses or pouches are the best type of bridal bags. Bead work is one of the most traditional artwork and the use of beads is seen in garments, furnishings, footwear, jewelries and of course bags. Beautiful, shiny, colorful beads can make a simple bag look trendy and fashionable. The stunning look and style of beaded handbags in the form of clutches, purses, wallets or shoulder bags can be remarkable. With various creative designs, beaded bags have created their own niche in the fashion accessories market.

Beads made of wood, glass, metal, stone, plastic, shell, bone, seed etc. are used and they are attached on the fabric of the bag in different patterns and styles. These beads are of various shapes and sizes. These beads add dimension, shimmer, color and enhance the look of a normal fashion bag. Let us check out some designs here:

Beaded Bags

Beaded Clutch

Beaded Wedding Bag

Beaded Shoulder Bags

Designer Beaded Bag